
Products updates and upgrades

Pro2000 Version 8.4 - Has been released

Read about the launch of our  fully revamped version 8

Current version - 8.4 .2 released July 2013

Version 8.4 - ( released July 2013 )

This version includes some layout changes in the main data entry screens and some other important improvements and some minor bug fixes. 

  • Screens Layout changes

The main data entry screens tabs layout have been modified to for improved readability. Some other fields can now be changed via drop lists

  • Queries

Performance improvements when applying filters
New filters fields have been added

  • Property Activity

2 new reports to show matching buyers. These reports can be accessed by right clicking on the matching buyers list

  • Other changes

    Property record is displayed in red if it is listed and listing expiry has lapsed
    Minor bug fixes
    Many reports have been improved

Version 8.3 - Latest update   (released November 2012)

Version 8.3 introduces more important improvements, particularly in property activity and queries. This latest version also includes some minor bug fixes. 

  • Property Activity

Users can now select a range(s) of activity records within the property activity list which will enable the following new functions;

Print a report for the selected activities only;  this is very useful when you want to print only the latest activities (to present to your vendor or just to review) 

Ability to delete all the selected activity records

Tip: Right click on any activity records to display a context menu which will display several useful functions

  • Queries

A major improvement in query for an Admin user to query his own events. Since many admin users have events assigned to them they will now be able to use 'Events Query'' to browse events to match a specified filter. This feature wasn't available till version 8.3

New functions: Some new functions are also available within the query results context menu

Some query reports have been improved

A new 'Owners Details' report  which displays more details of the owner

Tip: While you view the query results right click on any record to display a context menu which will display several useful functions

  • Bug Fixes

- A glitch with online messages prompts has been resolved

- A minor problem with a property query report has been fixed

Version 8.21 - released August 2012

Version 8.21 introduces some important improvements in scheduling events and recording letter events. This version also includes some pretty nice cosmetic improvements and minor bug fixes. 

  • Recording letter events 

When you print and mail a letter to a customer using the 'Letters' function in the Customer's screen you should always consider recording this as a completed letter event.  

In version 8.21, the program will remind you to record the letter event whenever you close the 'Letters and mail merge' window even if you haven't clicked the 'record' button

  • Sceduling events for buyers

Now you can attach a property to a buyers schedule !

Changes have been to enable user to attach a property with no respect to whether the customer owns a property or not. e.g. this can be useful to schedule events for a buyer in reference to a specific listed property. The program will simply allow you to select any property even one which is not related to the current customer

  • Don't ignore your overdue reminders and events 

We have changed the way Pro2000 prompts the user in reference to overdue events. The program will now continuously propmt the user  every  several minutes if any events are overdue over the days specified in the   'My preference'. It is recommended that users will review the setting and ensure all overdue events are deleted or completed, otherwise the program will continuously prompt the user. Important: Remember that you can select multiple events to complete / delete ! 

Version 8.2 - Major update (released June 2012)

Version 8.2 introduces some major changes, particualrly in the way sales are recorded and settled. The following describes all the major changes. 

Property sale and Auto settlement

We have completely redesigned this window and made it easier to review and record the sale details. The new sale window will also provide a new 'Auto Settlement' option (described below) which will enable the sale to be automatically settled. The 'Auto Settlement' option is not mandatory and users may opt to continue and settle manually as before, however, the option of automatic settlement can save much time and is particularly useful is some circumstances.

  • Automatic Settlement

When recording or updating a sale, user will have the option to check the 'Auto Settlement' option and optionally check the usual options below;

- Purchaser moves into property
- Vendor vacates the property

When any automatic settlement becomes due the program will prompt the administrator to confirm the settlement and upon confirmation the program will complete the settlement.

Pro2000 will perform all the necessary changes in the database like the regular settlement.

  • Identifying 'Auto Settlements'

Any sale which has been have recorded as 'Auto settlement' can be looked up in the retrieve window (Sales Tab). There will be a new 'Auto Settlements' view which will display all sales which have been tagged for automatic settlement'.

Database Maintenance

This function will automatically send a report to us whenever an error occurs in your database or if there is a problem which may require our involvement 

- A new option to verify database records and database integrity
- A new option to automatically complete pending activity events older than a specified date

New Category ; Inactive customer

A new system reserved category;  'Inactive Customer' has been added to the master category list. 

The 'Last Contact' date of an Inactive customer will not be highlighted, this feature will help you keep your database more accurate and will represent a more realistic overdue contacts

Property Activity ; Resubmit by Email

This new option in the 'Property Activity' window will enable user to select multiple existing activity records (mainly buyers) and resubmit a property referral by email,  this is in addition to the ability to resubmit by SMS

Login Errors

Due to new Windows security updates some users continue to experience login errors which are normally fixed by updating the login username/password combination. We are usually notified when a login error has occurred.  


Some improvements in the general reports

Do you have any request or an idea ? Please click here to submit any requests or ideas

Version 8.1 - released February 2012

The following is a complete list of the latest improvements and changes in version 8.1. 

Customer Window 

  • The 'Relations' and the 'Personal' columns have been removed
  • The History / Attachments / Events / Relations buttons will display a tick to indicate that related information exists (e.g. If customer has sale history the History button will display a tick) 
  • The 'Personal Details' window is now launched by clicking the 'Title' column (instead the 'Personal' column which has been removed)
  • Email address auto complete: The program will automatically complete any email address entered with '.com.au' when you enter an address ending with '.'

Example: If you enter email address such as "support@pro2000." the program will change it to "support@pro2000.com.au"

  • Dear / Attention: More options to sleect from the drop list (Personal details window)

Events Window

  • A new option for administrators to quickly view pending activities (Buyer enquiries, Property referrals, Property inspections etc.), this is useful to ensure activity events are always being completed
  • SMS: Ability to quickly select a staff member as the sender of the message. The program will display the user's mobile number by default and will enable to select any staff member as the message sender from a drop list
  • Staff member Column will not display if the user is setup to only view his events (there is no use to show this in this case)

Property Activity Window

  • The program will display All related property events and not just property activity events (Referrals, Inspections, Offers, Buyer enquiries). This feature enables viewing all events associated with a properties, If you wish to view only property activity events then right click any record in the activity list and select 'Display Options' then 'Property activity events'
  • An updated 'Property Activity' report which will print all records currently showing in the activity list (all events/activity events only)
  • New option to resubmit a property referral by SMS to the current list of buyers
  • Minor changes in the window layout 

Query Window

  • Lookup and tag duplicates: New query option to automatically scan your database and tag duplicate records based on any criteria (e.g. full name, street address, email,etc.)
  • New filtering options

Retrieve Window

  • Quick search by email addressA new search option in Retrieve window to Instantly lookup by email address, the program will instantly lookup and highlight the email address found  (looking from left to right, similar to the quick search by last name or first name). The email addresses will show in the 'Details View' panel at the bottom of the window
  • New Views: New 'My Past Contacts' view in the customers tab which displays the default agent's past contacts based on my preference setup. New 'My Past Appraisals' in the properties tab which displays the default agent's past appraisals

Other changes and improvements

  • Email address duplicates: New option to allow or disallow duplicates in email addresses, the feature can be set on or off by administrator
  • Improved look: Many of the screens (e.g Retrieve window) will display the list title in an enclosed caption which makes it clearer and looks nicer
  • Invalid Letters Events: The program will automatically scan all your letter events to check whether the letters physically exist. Letters events showing in the Events window will be highlighted in red if the letter doesn't exist, similarly in the Scheduler window, letter event will be highlighted if the respective letter doesn't exist (Administrator only feature)
  • Reports: Version 8.1 includes several new great reports such and some updated reports
  • Excel Charts: The reports module includes several excel charts (requires Excel version 2007 or higher)  

Version 8; Smarter, more friendly and packed with practical feature...you will love it !

Pro2000 version 8 not only introduces plenty of new practical features but it is also much more friendly, intuitive and easier to use. We have developed new style of data entry screens to provide users with easy to access functions and a new user preferences interface which will enable users to personalize many of the features in Pro2000 (look and functionality). 

Please note: After reviewing this page you are welcome to send us any requests or ideas using the link at the end of this Version 8 review

The highlights of Version 8

  • A new 'My Preferences' setup window which provides personalization of many special features such as: Select your preferred colours, auto notifications, name display options, view tooltips, online help options, columns selections, auto editing features and more.
  • All new 'Spreadsheet' style super fast data entry screens with 'In Cell' instant editing features Screenshot
  • Instant 'Point and Click ' functions 
  • Extended and new database fields such as: Building name, customer rating, additional mobile numbers, email address, buyer expiry and more, other fields have been extended (e.g names, streets etc.) 
  • All new graphical buttons and icons and much bigger screens
  • Excel Charts: An optional module which includes a variety of Excel charts reports, e.g:

"Appraisals by Agent" : Screenshot ; "Total Sales by Agent" : Screenshot

An Innovative new concept in customer relationship database management (CRM) which provides you with easy tools to view and maintain relationships between independent customers (family, business, social, co-owners, etc.) and the ability to quickly switch between related customers. This increases the value your database and gives you better knowledge of your customers and communication  with your community.

  • Customer Details View: Screenshot A scrollable line at the bottom of the main windows which will display the currently highlighted customer's details and provide additional features such as:
  1. In cell editing: A feature which enables instant editing of any of the customer's details showing in the details view e.g. mobile number, street address or categories, which can be set on or off  per user.
  2. Instant SMS / Email: Clicking on an email address/mobile number in the display will launch the Send Email or Send SMS to the customer
  3. Quick Categories selections and edit personal details
  4. The Details View display will enable users to view contact details and other details of any customer regardless of their access rights (update is subject to access rights)
  5. Scrollable, moveable columns: Select, rearrange and save the displayed columns as you wish
  • Customer rating: Users can rate a customer on a scale of 1-5 by clicking on the rate field to increase or  decrease rating and have the ability to view rated customers and query by rating
  • Auto Notification feature (can be set by user) to remind of overdue events when opening a customers record
  • Retrieve Window: Screenshot
  1. Contemporary, more friendly screen design
  2. Search / View modes enables the usual search with the added ability to view data by certain categories such as:  'My Recent Updates', 'My Rated Customers', 'My Recent Appraisals', 'All Listings', 'Settlements due' and more all by a mouse click.
  3. Search functions:  Simply type the word to search, the program will find it anywhere
  4. New and improved 'Buyer  Entry' and 'Seller Entry' screens
  5. Multiple records selection to enable consecutive / mass updates e.g. completing multiple events, opening multiple events windows, deleting multiple events and mass updates
  6. Select, rearrange and save your preferred columns to display Screenshot

Many new options such as the ability to edit individual events before attaching to a customer, viewing the current customers events before or after attaching a new schedule and other functions all in one easy to use screen.

  1. New, more friendly screen design
  2. Ability to create letters folders and to easily move letters from one folder to another, this enables to arrange your letters in a logical order (e.g: listing letters, after sale letters etc.).
  3. 'Save As' option to create new letters
  4. Full compatibility with new Microsoft Word documents of type .Docx
  • Email address verification
    The email address entered (2 email addresses can now be entered per customer) will be verified against existing database records
  • Titles (e.g Mr, Mrs etc can be fully customized)
  • View Google map / White pages listing of customer / property
    One button click to view the Google map of the current address of the customer or property, and to view the customer's listing in White Pages
  • Improved Quick SMS / Email functions:
  1. 'Copy to sender' option
  2. Select any property to link to the Email or SMS
  3. 'Mobile Me' feature to send yourself SMS with the current customer's contact details (depending on your mobile device, this feature may allow you to save as a new contact)
  1. Whole new screen design
  2. One mouse click to enable View / edit the event recurrence and the Event Priority
  3. Multiple events selection to enable consecutive / mass updates e.g. completing or deleting multiple events, opening multiple customers events windows and mass updates
  4. Ability to select multiple letter events and print all letters with one mouse click
  5. Select any staff members to view events (In addition to setup team events view)
  6. Auto recording of 'Email Received' event including the message from a customer who sent you an email (Optional future feature)
  7. Customer's details view pane (read details)
  8. Auto selection (Filter) by event type 
  9. Linking a property to an event , A new option within the 'Edit Event' window' to allow users to select and link any property (owned property or any other property) in reference to the event being edited or added.
  1. Select, move, rearrange and save any columns as you wish (per user setup)
  2. Print / Export: Print or export whatever is currently showing in the query result, any columns in any order
  3. Multiple selection to enable multiple updates
  4. Gradual Filter: Ability to apply filter in  steps, e.g:  Apply filter by specific agent -> View the results then add to filter Categories=Christmas Card -> view results and so forth
  5. Advanced Grouping and sorting
  6. Duplicates: Automatically find and tag any duplicates records in your database
  • Sales: Ability to make changes to property sale details even after settlement (Administrator setting control)
  • Smart on screen Help: Easy access to comprehensive on screen help on most windows. most screen will show a new help icon (help_icon)  to display help relevant to that window and ability to print help topics
  • System Tables: Option to mark an item as 'Not Active' to make the item unavailable for data entry but still keep it available for query (useful when you no longer want to use an item, e.g. a specific category) 
  • Administrator special features
  1. Special setup features to control users access rights
  2. Transactions journal (Optional, future module): Transactions tracking and report
  3. Events Window; System Alerts: Admin users will be able to click on System Alerts (under Today's Events) to view system events such as 'Listing Expiry' ,  'Settlement due', High Importance events etc, this is very useful to instantly display these important events which are often being missed when they become overdue
  4. SMS credits warning message when credits falls below your setup level

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