
Pro2000 Outlook Interface

Automatically captures incoming emails enquiries and builds your database

A powerful tool which interfaces with your Outlook incoming email enquiries and automatically verifies the details and adds new contacts in your database, generates logs and events to follow up

What does it do?

Pro2000 Outlook interfaces with your incoming emails and automatically creates new contacts in your Pro2000 database and property activity, saving you much time of manually entering data like buyers or sellers details.

Emails you receive from the major real estate (realestate.com.au, realestateview.com.au, domain.com.au) are detected by the program, verified against your existing database (name, phone and email address) then added into your database. Depending on the content of the email, the program creates the relevant data in the database and generates events / tasks to take action.

The program also organises all your incoming enquiry emails in one, easy to view log

In Outlook, the setup program creates a new "Pro2000" folder where your emails enquiries will be moved into, the setup program also creates a new 'Copy to Pro2000' toolbar button which is used to perform the action.

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Key Features

  • Validation of the data (prompting the user if necessary) before adding to your database to prevent duplicates.
  • Automatically records the buyer's details (Name, phones, email etc.) directly from your incoming emails and creates a 'Buyer enquiry' event associated with the lister agent (or any preselected agent) to follow up
  • The buyer enquiry will display in the property activity screen / vendor report
  • Easy to view enquiry log
  • ‪Reports: Enquiry log reports‬, session reports
  • Can run on any computer with Pro2000 license
  • Can be customized to capture data from other sources (e.g. your web site)

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