
Clients Testimonials

What our clients have to say about Pro2000

Past Testimonials

Tom Alexiadis
Nelson Alexander 

Our 8-office real estate network installed Pro2000 in mid 2004 and it has since become an integral part of our client relationship management and most importantly Pro2000 has proven itself to be a powerful business-prospecting tool.

We have over 50 agents using the system daily, with a database manager in place to ensure accurate data entry is maintained at all times while also providing ongoing training and support for our sales agents. We’ve found Pro2000 to be appropriate for our business and an excellent database solution for agents of varying computer skills levels across our network. Pro2000 can be used to maintain the basic rules of relationship management, or for the more techo-savy agents it can be used for detailed and structured relationship management, incorporating the use of SMS, email, mailmerge, automated events and contact plans. We were most impressed with the changes you made to Pro2000 Version 6 which we installed in January 2006, and we would recommend anyone thinking of upgrading to the new version to do so, we haven’t looked back.

Tom Alexiadis

"We’ve found Pro2000 to be appropriate for our business and an excellent database solution for agents of varying computer skills levels across our network"

"we would recommend anyone thinking of upgrading to the new version to do so, we haven’t looked back"

Leigh Maher
Scanna & Maher Estate Agent

We have been using Pro2000 since we established our new office in August 2005 and I feel the use of the system has without any doubt supported our success to date, with listings being sourced predominantly from the data base and past clients being contacted via the system, events prompting pro active contact with our client base and in turn turning phone calls and letters into Listings.

I have personally used the system for several years at previous offices and compared to others supported by larger franchise groups, Pro2000 wins hands down. Ease of use, application and real estate supported updates are a vital factor with the winning system.

Our team now uses Pro2000 daily and enjoys the many features the program offers. Our business has grown significantly thanks to the handling of our clients via the database in Pro2000 and the ease of recording all correspondence with clients (Phone, letters, emails, SMS etc.) in the database. From a management perspective the transparency of staff activity is also a great tool for coaching, encouragement and a key performance indicator.

The integration of the reverse directory in the database also helps us to increase our business and we use it for telemarketing and prospecting.

We find the program very easy to use and the support is great" 
If at stage in the future you have a prospective client wanting to speak to a company currently using the system please feel free to pass on my mobile phone number. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your constant and on going support with regard to our application of Pro2000 within our new office in Greensborough, Victoria


"I have personally used the system for several years at previous offices and compared to others supported by larger franchise groups, Pro2000 wins hands down"

"The integration of the reverse directory in the database also helps us to increase our business and we use it for telemarketing and prospecting"

Peter Kennett

"Building relationships with our clients has been made easier using Pro2000. Our sales staff, most of whom are not overly computer literate, find using the system a breeze. They are in command of their database and have started to achieve sales directly related to the use of Pro2000.

Our team now uses Pro2000 daily and enjoys the many features the program offers. Our business has grown significantly thanks to the handling of our clients via the database in Pro2000 and the ease of recording all correspondence with clients (Phone, letters, emails, SMS etc.) in the database. From a management perspective the transparency of staff activity is also a great tool for coaching, encouragement and a key performance indicator.

The integration of the reverse directory in the database also helps us to increase our business and we use it for telemarketing and prospecting.

We find the program very easy to use and the support is great" 
If at stage in the future you have a prospective client wanting to speak to a company currently using the system please feel free to pass on my mobile phone number. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your constant and on going support with regard to our application of Pro2000 within our new office in Greensborough, Victoria


"Our sales staff... find using the system a breeze... and have already started to achieve sales directly related to the use of Pro2000." 

Nicki Biggin

"Our 9-office group has been using Pro2000 for over a year and have found it to be a user friendly and effective client contact database.

The ease of use has made it viable for each sales person or property manager to update their data and prompt them with follow up, which can be double checked by the managers. The ownership data base component is useful for information mail-outs and is updated regularly.

In summary, I would recommend this program to other estate agents seeking an effective client contact management system."

Nicki Biggin

"A user friendly and effective clients contacts database."

Simon Harrold and Greg Lord

"The Pro2000 system has been the best purchase we have made. The system paid for itself within 2 months we have listed and sold numerous properties that we would have missed using old methods. Our database is building daily and we are continually finding more uses for the system. More importantly your after sales service has been excellent when ever we need support you are there."

Simon Harrold & Greg Lord

"Pro2000... paid itself within 2 months."

"... We are constantly finding more uses for the system."

Tony Fanfulla
General Manager

"It's been six months since we installed the Pro2000 database system, time sure flies. I am writing to say a huge thanks for helping us move to the next level in database technology and take control of our customers and clients.

The system has proven to be invaluable to our everyday work and a marked improvement on the previous one we were using.

Above all else I particularly want to thank you for what I believe is the most important aspect of this type of software and that is support. Given that myself and my team are not computer programmers, having Uri available for a quick chat to remedy a problem is invaluable.

We now have the program sync with our Pocket PC's and the SMS feature functioning, which have already produced excellent results.

I would not hesitate to recommend the program to any Real Estate agents whether principals for the whole office or individual sales people."

Tony Fanfulla

"The system has proven to be invaluable to our everyday work and a marked improvement on the previous one we were using"

James Moss
Managing Director

"We now have the program sync with our Pocket PC's and the SMS functioning, which have already produced excellent results."

Following our recent dealings with you and your company I would like to thank you for the professional manner in which you conducted the installation and training of Pro2000 into our office.

Having for many years used a good card system, Excel spreadsheets and file notes to keep in touch with past, current and future clients we now have a programme in Pro200 that will leap us from good to great.

Six months in with Pro2000, I can now certainly without any hesitation most highly recommend anyone to consider Pro2000. It has changed the mine set of our salespeople by giving them the confidence that they now can keep in touch easily with all they meet and which can only lead to more business and sales for our office.

We certainly thought long and hard about a client data base programme and Pro2000 has been the best investment we have made and the results directly from Pro2000 have certainly paid for itself. Our database is growing in leaps and bounds.

Finally your after sales support has been beneficial to all users and we look forward to our continued association.

James Moss

"I can now certainly without any hesitation most highly recommend anyone to consider Pro2000."

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